P O E T R Y in motion . . .

Depending on how much time
you’ve spent on our website,
you will begin to notice a

P A T T E R N . . .
a thought P R O C E S S . . .
a R H Y T H M . . .
and hopefully,
a B A L A N C E . . .

a pure L O V E
for painting, writing, lettering,
photography, collage, sewing . . .

a P A S S I O N for the use of
miscellaneous tools and ephemera
with which to create one’s reality
with emphasis on the
N O W moment,
blended with
reflections from one’s past.

We hope you’re getting inspired
to J O U R N A L and
turn your enthusiasm into A R T!

Remember, P A T I E N C E is Rewarding!

“Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen?
But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”
Romans 8:24-25